Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ryghth so Caboges

This is one of the recipes use to show that not all food in the Middle Ages was "weird". If you can't boil cabbage or have never seen it, you need to get into the kitchen more.

Ryghth so Caboges- Ben seruyd, save men sayn it is gode Also to ley hem in a bagge overnyghth in renning streme of watere, & a-morwe sette uppe watere, & when the water is skaldyng hot, throw hem ther-on, & hole hem in there wise be-forsayd, & serve forth.

Rightso Cabbages- When served men say that it is good. Put the cabbages in a bag and place under a running stream of water overnight and in the morning bring a large pot of water to a hard boil, add the cabbages to the pot and hold them under until cooked and then serve.


Clean cabbage under running water without taking apart the head. Bring a large pot to a boil and submerge the cabbage under until cooked. Carve into wedges and serve.

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