Tuesday, November 4, 2008


As recipes go this is where we see the usefulness of studying Chinese dimsum cooking before trying medieval recipes. Both rely on fast, hot and low energy cooking techniques and produce stunning results. What the rapeye looks like at the end is all in the hands of the person folding and filling the casings. I have done these as simply as a filled log that looks a little like a peascod and as fancy as a little purse with a flower top. It is great to serve with dishes like Apple Muse or Applade Ryalle as the crispiness of the Rapeye matches with the softness of the apple dishes.

These can be made ahead, stored in containers that don't allow moisture to accumulate and then reheated in an oven.

Rapeye- egg roll wrappers, figs, raisins, almond milk, pepper, galingale, cloves, egg wash, oil

.xlvij. Rapeye.—Take dow, & make þer-of a þinne kake; þanne take Fygys & raysonys smal y-grounde, & temper hem with Almaunde Milke; take pouder of Pepir, & of Galyngale, Clowes, & menge to-gederys, & ley on þin kake a-long as bene koddys, & ouer-caste þin kake to-gederys, & dewte on þe eggys, an frye in Oyle, & serue forth.

Rapeye- Take dough and make thereof a thin cake; then take figs and raisins ground small, and temper them with almond milk; take ground pepper, galingale and cloves and mix together and lay on the thin cakes as long as good cods (peapods?) and fold over the cake and dot with eggs and fry in oil and serve forth.

1 cup figs
1 cup raisins
¼ cup almond milk
½ tspn. Black pepper
½ tspn. galingale
¼ tspn. ground cloves

2 eggs
25 wonton covers

Grind figs and raisins and add a little almond milk to thin. Add pepper, galingal, cloves and mix well. Place on egg roll wrappers and form packets sealing with egg mixture, add an egg wash and then deep fry and serve.

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