Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Resolution

Evangelicals have annoyed me for a long time. Most Christians don't, I am a Christian and recognize my limitations on expounding about faith. Proselyting has always annoyed me, diminishing God has always annoyed me and finger wagging has always annoyed me. Evangelical Christianity, as represented on Sunday morning shows and other mediums, is about all three and it grates down my spine like a wire brush. I cannot imagine what makes it so popular except that in making God small and easy to digest it makes Him more accessible. I don't want an accessible God. I want one who can make a universe that expands beyond my imagination and that will live on long after I have gone to rest. I want my great grand children viewing sunsets with wonder and awe and hopefully on other planets. I like that God incarnated to understand His creation better and in so doing forgave us our weaknesses. I like that we are cleared of past sins and left to grow on our own, responsible for our own actions and able to repair the damage done by mistakes. I don't understand how, if we are cleared of past sins, organized Christianity doesn't make it clear that that includes Original sin and Sins of our Fathers. I cannot accept any faith that doesn't get that- that we are only responsible for the sins that we commit. Even though we weren't granted immediate access to Eden, we are no longer stopped from striving to attain it. We can achieve it, we can learn enough about our world to bring it back.
So as the New Year dawns, I offer this promise I will strive to take responsiblity of my actions, I will strive to make the world a little better than it was and I will live my faith and not wear it on my sleeve.

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